App_Already_Running = Real Desktop is already running...
Show_Filename = Show filename
Rotate_To_Normal = Rotate to normal orientation
Standard_Size = Standard size
Style = Style
Next = Next
Not_Show_Again = Don't show this again
InfoToolTip_01_H = Tip %i/%i - Rotate icon
InfoToolTip_01 = Do you want to turn your icon? Just grab its edge.
InfoToolTip_02_H = Tip %i/%i - Lift icon
InfoToolTip_02 = Do you want to lift your icon? Grab it, hold down both left and right mouse buttons, and move your mouse.
InfoToolTip_03_H = Tip %i/%i - Scale up/scale down
InfoToolTip_03 = Do you want to highlight your icons? Hold down the shift key on your keyboard, then click with your left mouse button on the icon and move your mouse.
InfoToolTip_04_H = Tip %i/%i - Extra menu
InfoToolTip_04 = You can open the extra menu by clicking an icon with the right mouse button while pressing the shift key.
InfoToolTip_05_H = Tip %i/%i - Selecting with Ctrl
InfoToolTip_05 = You can select several icons at once by holding down the ctrl key while you select them.
InfoToolTip_06_H = Tip %i/%i - Lasso selection
InfoToolTip_06 = Hold down left mouse button and move your mouse around the desired symbols.
InfoToolTip_07_H = Tip %i/%i - Cut, copy and paste
InfoToolTip_07 = With Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V you can cut, copy and paste your files.
InfoToolTip_08_H = Tip %i/%i - Wastebasket style
InfoToolTip_08 = You can select a different wastebasket style with a right-click on your wastebasket (which is found under the style menu entry).
InfoToolTipCount = 8
Settings = Settings
Wallpaper = Wallpaper
Lighting = Lighting
ThrowInPoint = Insertion point
Selection = Selection
Autostart = Autostart with Windows
Language = Language
LanguageGroup = Program language
MyLanguage = English (English)
Keyboard_Layout = Keyboard layout
Show_Next_Tip = Show next tip
Icon_Style = Icon style
Atmosphere = Atmosphere
Desktop_Icons = Icons
Activate_Product = Activate product
Blue_Silence = Blue silence
Brushed_Metal = Brushed metal
Yellow_Sound = Yellow sound
Green_Haze = Green haze
Far_Ocean = Far ocean
Deep_Forrest = Deep forest
Soft_Wood = Soft wood
Brown_Leather = Brown leather
User_Defined = User defined
User_Defined_Ex = User defined...
Wall = Wall...
Surface = Surface...
Metal = Metal
Wood = Wood
Ultraviolet = Ultraviolet
Black_Glass = Black glass
Version_Info = Version information
Name = Name:
Version = Version:
Date = Date:
Product_Information = Product information
Developer = Developer:
Internet = Internet:
Phone = Phone:
DeveloperCt = Schillergames, Marc Schiller
InternetCt =
EMailCt =
PhoneCt = +49 (0)761 3847293
Please_Select = Please select...
Executed_First_Time = Real Desktop is starting for the first time.\n\nWould you like your desktop icons ordered or unordered on the work surface?
Ordered = Ordered
Unordered = Unordered
Left_Mouse = Left mouse button:
Left_MouseCt = Grab the icon\n(at the edge to rotate)
Right_Mouse = Right mouse button:
Right_MouseCt = Lift the icon while grabbing
Shift = Shift:
ShiftCt = Scale the selected icons up or down
ShiftRM = Shift + right mouse button:
ShiftRMCt = Open the selected icon's extra menu
Ctrl = Ctrl:
CtrlCt = Before selecting multiple icons
CtrlXCV = Ctrl + x,c,v:
CtrlXCVCt = Cut, Copy, Paste
Metal_Basket = Metal basket
Recycel_Glass_Nor = Recycle glass-basket normal
Recycel_Glass_Mod = Recycle glass-basket modern
Rotate_To_Standard_Dir = Rotate to standard orientation
Waiting_Time = Waiting time
Seconds = Sec.
Activate = Activate
Position = Position
Horizontal = Horizontal
Vertical = Vertical
Illuminate = Illuminate
Icon = Icon
IconSurface = Surface
Text = Text
Lariat = Lasso
Filling_Surface = Filling surface
Border = Border
Reset = Reset
Direction = Direction
Ahead_Left = Ahead left
Up_Right = Up right
Behind_Above = Behind above
User_Defined2 = User defined
LightSource = Light
LightColor = Color
LightAmbient = Environment brightness:
Shadow = Shadow
General = General
FadeInFilenames = Show filenames autom.
Sensitivity = Sensitivity:
DynamicMousePointer = Dynamic mouse pointer
UpdateInfo = Update info
Sound = Sound
NewVersionAvTitle = New version %s is available
NewVersionAv = Your Version: %s\n\nClick here\nto download the new version!
BuyNowTitle = Buy "Real Desktop" Now!
BuyNow = Click here\nto buy "Real Desktop" now,\n\nfor only %s
BuyNowLink =
PriceLink = /English/Price.dat
Camera = Camera
CamDefault = Default
CamAbove = Above
CamDownHalfLeft = Down half left
CamDownHalfRight = Down half right
CamDownLeft = Down left
CamDownRight = Down right
Repeat = Repeat
Reflection = Reflection
New = New
Load = Load
Change = Save
Remove = Remove
ThemeUpdate = Update
OpenFolder = Open folder
RemoveThemeTitle = Sure?
RemoveTheme = Do you really want to remove %s ?
Themes = Design
Search = Search
Apply = Apply
ThemeDefault = Default
ThemeEmptyNameTitle = Please enter title
ThemeEmptyName = Please enter first a title.
ThemeNameExistTitle = "%s" does already exist
ThemeNameExist = "%s" does already exist.\nPlease select a new title.
ThemeChangeOKTitle = Changes successfully saved
ThemeChangeOK = The changes were stored successfully in "%s".
ThemeLoadOKTitle = Design successfully loaded
ThemeLoadOK = "%s" was successfully loaded.
ChangeThemeTitle = Really replace "%s"?
ChangeTheme = Do you really want to replace "%s" by the current settings?
ShowShortcutIconArrows = Show shortcut arrows
PreferFavicons = Prefer favicon's
ActivateKeystroke = Keystroke (space)
RoomCornerLighting = Room corner lighting
Space = Space:
SpaceCt = Show+hide wallpaper
HomeEnd = Home/End
HomeEndCt = Camera-position forward and backward
Snapshot = Snapshot
Fix = Fix
PicPreview = Picture Preview (Mousehover)
Miscellaneous = Miscellaneous
Credits = Credits
Development = Development:
Translation = Translation:
Multimonitor = Multimonitor
Device = Device
Primary = Primary:
Resolution = Resolution:
ColorDepth = Color Depth:
Yes = Yes
No = No
Antialiasing = Anti-aliasing
AlignToGrid = Align to Grid
RenamePile = Rename Pile
DisbandPile = Disband Pile
ThrowIntoFolder = Throw files into folder
Relax = Relax
BuyNowLight = Buy Now!
TextColor = Text color
UserManual = User Manual
UserManualNotFound = The user manual (%s) could not be found.